The perfect POS for your salon

Salon software with point-of-sale builtExclusively for Salons

Easy payment process

Centralize all your payments with a unified POS system for salons, providing oversight for online, mobile, and front-desk transactions. You can even use our integrated POS software from anywhere you want–from the convenience of your desktop and even mobile phone as well.
Salon software for Streamlined payments with a unified POS software
Simplify your salon transactions
Salon software to access customer payment history
Revenue insights at a glance

Get it all done from a single screen

Monitoring will be very easy as we provide the best salon POS software that perfectly integrates with your salon. You can access each customer’s payment history instantly, monitor revenue with intelligent reports, and effortlessly identify sales trends.
Salon software with point of sale system

With the integration of our Salon pos software you can make payments easily, reduce the workload at front-desk, a best experience that you can give to your customers, and you will be able to sell your packages and keep the record of it all in one POS system for salon.

Easy front desk management

Take out all the burden and workload from your front desk and give the best experience to your customers with our all-inclusive salon POS software. You can make easy and fast check-ins while accepting the payments within the software.
Salon software Pos system for easy payment
Enhance salon inventory control and POS
Wellyx salon software with cloud-based salon pos solution
Access anywhere through the cloud

Easily manage your inventory

A cloud-based Salon POS system provides you with the ease of managing your inventory effectively so you can never run out of your products. You can have complete control over your inventory, which you can manage and order products while keeping records of everything.
Salon software client customer testimonial

Since 2022, we have partnered with Wellyx, setting up our flourishing salon business. Wellyx has been instrumental in our growth and success throughout the journey. Even during challenging times, the Wellyx team remains dedicated to delivering top-notch customer service through their account managers and customer success managers. Their collaborative approach has allowed us to keep our salon thriving and at its best. We are truly grateful to the entire Wellyx team for their support and commitment to our success. Thank you all! 🙂

Ava Anderson


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, salon software’s point-of-sale (POS) system supports multiple payment methods for convenient and secure transactions, including popular options such as Stripe, GoCardless, and Paytabs.

Absolutely! Wellyx Salon software’s POS system offers promo codes and loyalty program management features, empowering you to create customized promotions and rewards to enhance customer loyalty.

Salon software’s POS system has extensive reporting and analytics capabilities, providing valuable insights into your salon’s sales performance, customer behavior, and inventory management. These insights help optimize business strategies and drive growth.

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